I borrowed Michael's camera for the trip yesterday. It's a Panasonic DCM FZ30, and I haven't really used it before, except for occasional snaps of garden birds. He gave me a quick lesson on how to do stuf like change the card and battery, change to manual focus, stuff like that.
I'm actually very pleased with some of the photos I got, considering the fact that I don't know much about it, and mostly just pointed the camera and pressed the button.
I'm going to subject you to loads of pictures because I can - some of them because I'm pleased with the shot, some because I like the birds and some because I like the mood.
I'll start with a few non-bird-ish ones, mostly views from hides. Impressive to see a place like that so close to a city - you can clearly see buildings in the background.
This one's actually a hide! It's octagonal, and looks out on all directions.
The dark guys are cormarants, and there are a few grey herons and (mostly black-headed) gulls.
I thought we'd stumbled into a B movie.
The Essex Coast in winter
1 day ago
it is amazing to think you are so close to London.